

What is “Styling”?

Styling is an Art. It’s the art of arranging your hair, applying your makeup, doing your nails, and choosing the best outfit that’s showcasing your silhouette, lifestyle,  expressing your personality, mood, and attitude, and boosting your energy when done the right way.

In the Fashion Industry, Styling is the process of  mixing fabrics, picking out and mixing the right colors, prints, cuts, designs, and accessories in a way that compliment one another beautifully . The most important thing to remember when styling is to be creative and remember how you would like to be perceived by the world. But, not how the world chooses to perceive you without your permission.

The good news is, It’s a high order skill that you can improve at will over time.  

If you’ve ever wondered what the new fashion world looked like, it’s important to understand this is the world of style. Style is the presentation of self and others, the defining of what’s popular, the perception of how one looks and how one ought to dress. If you want to be successful at anything  in this New Era, you’ll first have to understand how to properly style yourself.

Hence, becoming “your own brand”.

The Psychology of  “Style”

In order to understand  ” Your Style”, you first have to understand ” The Psychology of Styling”. 

The Importance of Liking Your Style

The Importance of Listening to Your Style

The Importance of Living Your Style

The Importance of Changing Your Style

The Importance of Staying Flexible

The Importance of having a Personal Style Blueprint

The importance of  having a Style Theme

The Importance of  having a Personal Stylist


“Fashion is what you wear, but Style is Who you are”

Style is an ” Attitude” What’s Yours?

is an attitude, and it is an attitude that has an impact on your own life success regardless the industry you’re in. When you wear the right outfit that makes an “instant statement”, you will be perceived as the kind of person who “does it right”. Trust the science behind this because  that has a great impact on how you live your life, the level of success you attract, and how others perceive you.

The shortcut to determining your “style’s attitude” is by: 

1- confidently knowing “who you are” and most importantly “who you’re NOT”

2- deciding the kind of person you desire to appear to others

3- crafting the kind of image that will best communicate your message.

You want to be someone who is:


The Verdict:

We come to realize that each of us has a style and that how we dress is how we desire to appear to others. It is how we want to be perceived and what we want to project. It is our psychology of style. Our style is an attitude and an expression of who we are. It is our uniqueness, our creativity, our self-expression. It is our voice.  Having been in fashion for a long time, I can tell you that if you employ some of the tips and guidelines outlined here, you will find your fashion sense improving in leaps and bounds. 

See Part 2:

About Author /

Hey! I'm Dyna I'm an EXPRESSIVE FASHION-ADDICT & SELF-IMAGE CONSULTANT who thrives on creating SENSORY experiences in turning your SELF-IMAGE into an INSTANT BRAND. My WARM and SOCIAL interaction will be a confidence builder for you to explore an INDIVIDUALISTIC VOGUE STYLE THEME APPROACH for MAXIMUM IMPACT. Soon you can enjoy the freedom of you Intentionally BOSS-UP Your LEADERSHIP STYLE and DRESS-UP your personality with signature styles and flair without apology.


  • Testymo
    4 years ago Reply

    This is really amazing! Aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?

    • Mike Smythson
      4 years ago Reply

      Yes sure!
      Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.

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